Since you are representing VISION and meeting senior leaders in the community, the dress code is “business casual.”
You will be provided with a VISION folio to keep notes, handouts, etc.
We provide lunch on program days. Many lunches are donated and selection may be limited. If you have special dietary needs we will work hard to meet those needs; if we can’t, we will make every attempt to notify you in advance of the program day.
The Orientation and August Retreat serve to establish a foundation for the entire year, thus making full participation of these days extremely important for the overall success of the program. We thank you in advance for your support and cooperation.
If you miss an entire day, you have missed eight hours of information, or almost 10% of the program. The class is a continuing education class of Blue Ridge Community College, and college policy stipulates that missing more than two classes disqualifies you from graduating. If you cannot attend an entire day, please come for at least part of the day.
YES! If you have limited mobility or other health problems, please contact the instructor to discuss whether or not you might have a problem during program days. If you are interested in learning more about the county and where you might be able to make a contribution, we want you in the program!
VISION Transylvania | 45 Oak Park Drive, Brevard, NC | | (828) 883-2520